There is a blog written below about these pictures. But the pics were so great I figured I would let them show first.
Steve at Limon Falls |
nice blue for Steve |
The Blue Heathens going hiking |
Our guide was way ahead of us |
Limon Falls |
Yes I think I was peeing for this pick |
My faithful steed |
" oh no you dont... You aint sitting that fat white guy on me" |
The rocky trails |
Yet another scooter carrying a 3 foot long propane tank |
Sun rise as I left Puerto Rico |
Departing St Thomas |
Departing San Juan Harbor. The spanish fort El Morro behind me |
Chasing the sun |
I have not posted for the last few days. We are begining our trip back to the states. Time just kinda flew.
The last day of fishing, we fished up off of Anagoda BVI. The weather was suppose to be tall and terrible. But as the sun rose, the winds from passing tropical storm Ernesto had backed off and we made an attempt It was well worth it. Steve caught a real nice marlin. The fish was very fat and did not jump at all but she put up one hell of a fight. We chased her backwards for 2 miles before Steve finally bested her. It was a great end to a fun and productive season in St Thomas. It was sad to say good bye to all the new freinds we made there this season but there will be another visit.
On the following morning, the winds stiffened a bit but we did not care. We left St Thomas planning to fish our way to San Juan Puerto Rico. After a few hours of no fish, we decided to run to San Juan and top off with fuel and keep on trucking. It is such a pleasure to run with the waves as we chase the sun westward each day. It seemed like the entire trip to St Thomas found us with stiff breezes on our bow and rough seas throwing spray over the boat daily. Now all we have to do is surf the predominately easterly winds and seas back to Florida. After fueling in San Juan, we ran to the North west end of Puerto Rico. There is no marina there, But we found the anchorage off of Aguadillia to be a comfortable beautiful place to stay for the night.
As the Sun rose today, the winds were slack. We pulled anchor and started our trip across the Mona Passage between Puerto Rico and the Dominican republic. The boss had never been to Samana by boat and wanted to look around. So we blasted across the unusually calm passage. We arrived at around noon. After cleaning the boat, I rented a car and we drove to Limon' falls as we decided that it would be cool to hike the falls instead of riding mules of horses like most tourists. . Limon' water fall is a very large water fall deep in the mountains. Once we arrived by car we were met by our guide who spoke no english. He led us up mountain goat trail after trail. Each trail seemed to get steeper and rockier. The jungle was dense and beautiful, but it was tough to take it all in as the trail was so rough in places you had to keep your eyes to the ground. The hike to the falls is 6 kilometers. But it took us nearly an hour to do it. ( OK it was because of frequent breather stops) Once there, The scene was magnificent. Only problem was, I developed a bad back spasm. I was not looking forward to the trip back. I asked our guide and he said that there was a spare donkey and that I could ride it back down. For a split second my pride stood in the way but then My back tweaked again and I said to bring it on. I was introduced to a pathetic old steed that looked one step away from the glue factory. The saddle was made from shredded rags. It looked and me and I saw an unmistakable look in its eyes. It was as if it was thinking, "Oh shit. I gotta carry this fat old dude down the mountain??" To the mules credit, it did not miss a beat. It handled the heavy load ( ME) and finessed the rough trail with feet like a ballerina. There was some serious chiding from Steve and Kyle but I was to busy bonding with My new friend the donkey. Steve thinks they put the old girl down after that last trip down the mountain.
Oh By the way.... If you drive on the opposite side of the road as they do in St Thomas and then try to drive on the correct side of the road, You will make a few blood curdling mistakes. Whew. I neew to get back state side and drive US 19 for a few days.
Tomorrow we are headed for Puerto Plata on the North coast of the DR. We will spend the night there and then head to the Turks and Caicos. Oh god Wait, they drive on the wrong side of the road there as well.
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