Monday, April 27, 2015

Deck dog

Nice Mahi for Steve 
All good things come to an End. We depart Casa De Campo today. We've made new friends and re-connected with old ones. It was a great season and we will miss all of out local friends here. As usual Marina Casa De Campo did an outstanding job of welcoming us and all the visiting boats. Thanks to Oscar Josie Vilma and Jesmine for treating us like family. 
With our time here done, its time to make our way north. Today we will head for Cap Cana, DR and then on Tuesday we will head to Ocean World on the north shore of the DR. Then on wednesday we will jump up to the Turks and Caicos. 
Over the past week we caught a few more Blue Marlin. Some of them were quite exciting fish. There are some Pics below. On one particular day I had just made hotdogs for everyone. I had gotten one bite into my dog when my bridge teaser real started screeching out line indicating the was a blue marlin tugging on it. In my excitement and haste I threw my dog in the air and went to work trying to get the blue marlin to tease over to a hook bait. Unfortunately the fish faded away. I was left with a hot dog bun stuck to my foot and a dog rolling around on the deck. With the fish gone, I threw the bun over the side and YES I ate the deck dog. 
Our next adventure begins in the Turks and Caicos. I look forward to sharing Da Islands wit ya.
Whats left of my dropped  hot dog... Yup I ate it

Matt releasing another blue one

Constipated or fighting a nice fish????

The boss bowed up

Pretty blue one


The Im sunburned selfie



Pine apples growing at our house


Oil change before we leave the DR

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