Man we have had some rain over the past week. It seemed to rain constantly for days on end. Everything is flooded and it just seems that everything in the marina has mud on it. The Marina here in San Sal ( Riding Rock marina) is not the nicest marina by the standard we have come accustom to but It is still cool in its own way. Fishing out of the Marina here is out island fishing at its best. The roads here are crappy and supplies are slim. All the supplies come in via supply boats. ( AKA the Mail boat). For the last two weeks the MAil boat has not made it to San Sal because of bad weather and Mechanical reasons. This makes getting fresh fruits and veggies tough. The shelves at the tiny grocery are picked pretty clean. Good news is that the mail boat arrived yesterday.
The past week in San Sal has shown us good fishing. Tuna, Dorado, White marlin and Blue Marlin have all made appearances at the back of the boat.
One of the cool things about fishing San Salvador is the plethora of fish you can target. another great thing, is you never know how big the marlin are going to be. There have been quite a few 500 lb fish or lager caught in the last week. We had one big girl that probably went 600 lbs. She was a real beauty. On another occasion, we hooked a double. Two big Blues ate lures at the same time. Unfortunately the larger fish ( 500 lbs) and the smaller ( 250lb) fish decided to head in two opposite directions. After a great show of two marlin jumping at the same time behind the boat, They both decided to make it hard for us. The bigger fish greyhounding to the east and blowing holes in the water as she jumped, and the smaller fish headed west peeling line off as though she was much bigger. Oh well we did catch one of them. Yesterday was our best day so far. We caught 3 out of six Blue Marlin that we got bites from. Quite an exciting day.
The begining of our week started out on a bad note. During the run offshore on our second morning here, we blew a coolant line off the motor. With out getting to technical, a pipe that carries coolant from the Thermostat housing to the Exahst manifold just came loose from the flange it threads into. There was no fixing it. I made a call to Chirs Craig at Cat of Tampa. He really stepped up to the plate. He ordered the parts and got a mechanic on a flight down here. The fix only took 40 minutes once the mechanic arrived. We could not have fixed it with out those parts that he brought in though.
Its going to be hard to leave the fish biting like they are but Something much more important is happening in the next couple days. My daughter is graduating high school. Its always kinda weird to leave the boat when you are out island like this. Tyler will be fine to keep everything running but I feel like I am abandoning the boat. Like I always say, When we are on the boat we think of nothing but home, when we are at home we think of nothing but the boat. I am flying home later this morning. I am Very excited to see my dog.
Fishing alongside a few other boats here in San Sal. |
a little White marlin |
Tyler realeasing the whitey
Releasing another one |
Nice fat San Sal Blue Marlin |
Big girl |
Another Blue |
Nice thick Blue marlin |
Tyler reviving a blue before release |
Release flags flying from our riggers |
Blue Marlin |
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