Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Great video of Blue at the back of the boat.

There is a great video at the bottom of this post.
The fleet is sitting tied to the dock today. We had a tropical wave push through here yesterday and it has a trail of stormy weather tailing up behind it. The result is blustery rainy weather. Its gloomy outside and there is still lots of rain off to the east. Everyfew days now, there wil be a tropical system that will effect the Caribbean. We will just have to keep a watchfull eye to the east.
So what does one do on a day like today??? Bake!!! This morning  I made cupcakes for "Tres Leches" later tonight. Right now the rain has subsided and I am grilling some Jerk Chicken breast for lunch.
I have included a great video link to youtube that is from one of the recent Blue Marlins we caught. You have to look real hard, But there was a big whale that surfaced right behind the boat while we were fighting the Blue Marlin. The Marlin was caught by Jerzy, the Dock master at Oilnut bay Virgin Gorda when he fished with us on the Blue Heaven the other day. He did a great job and it was his first Blue!!!!
Jerzy Fighting his first Blue Marlin

A Blue Marlin fight ing its first Jerzy!

Large whale that came up to watch us fight the marlin

Blue Marlin

Cool video of Kyle wiring a feisty Blue

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