Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pirate coves

Its all about the kids. How many times in life do we say that as parents. The problem is one day the kids are grown up and then .... Well its always about the kids and always will be. I am having the best time showing my kiddos around the Virgin Islands
I am fortunate to have the opportunity to have this week as a vacation with my family. My boss was kind enough to let them come down and spend time here in the Virgin islands with me. Its weird though. It is kinda one of those last "family vacations". Not that it is " the " last one but... The kids are no longer kids.  I am trying to make this a vacation they will not soon forget. Another weird thing is being able to have an  adult beverage together. Man its a long way from the diaper days.

The vacations have changed over the years but they always get better. We have been snorkeling in the clear blue waters of the islands. This is my favorite thing to do. We just relaxed and drifted in the brilliant blue  waters of the bays. Each of these bay that we have been visiting, is relativly unchanged since the old sailing ship days. It is not hard to squint your eyes and see an 1800s Brigantine pirate ship laying at anchored in the middle of the bay sorting out the booty from their latest raid  as a Friggate from the queens navy comes around the point with her guns a blazing in hot pursuit of the pirates
 Yesterday we drove the island of St Thomas. It was an interesting drive and very scenic. But the best part was being at Mountain Top. Or actually finding it. ( We got lost)  It is the highest place on the island. The view of the Islands and Meagans bay is spectacular. We actually made it to the top of a different mountain first. But figured out quickly that we were on the wrong mountain. There are not many days that a family can drive in a car and enjoy being lost. Yesterday was one of those days. In the afternoon we grabbed the ferry boat over to St John. we had a few drinks around town then had dinner at the Waterfront Bistro. A few more drinks later and we ferried back to Red Hook. The kids played with the Phosphorescents or Bioluminesents in the water. The bay here in red hook has a plankton bloom going on. The water during the day is very tan and looks to be full of sediment but at night it is apparent what the deal is. All the tan "sediment" is actually living organisms. When disturbed, they light up bright green.  It was an early evening for me by the time they finished playing in the plankton, I was out on the couch.
We have an event filled week ahead of us.

Drifting in the Clear waters of St John

Could my goatee get any greyer

Life is good

What a cutie

Lauren and Katy by the Blue Heaven

Nice cowlick Patrick

My Mermaid

another Mermaid shot

Lauren Said something mean to me

Great shot with the kidlets

Kyle and Cali

Patrick doing the death leap from the tower 
Clear ass water

My mermaid with a sea urchin

Anchor Fluke from an old sailing ship

Perspective on how big the anchor was

Water clarity was great

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