This shot is magazine worthy |
The past few weeks were very busy for me. We had lots of great fishing and bouncing around the Islands. Sorry for the lack of blogs, But between fishing and cruising and slow internet, it was tough to get one out. I hope the pics in this blog make up for it.
It all began with a boys trip. The boss brought his two buddies andy and Jo ( who I affectionately call " Bartles and James"). Those two guys are a chocolate mess to have aboard. If anyone was listening to our conversations all day, they would think we all hate each other. The slap stick insults fly from coffee in the morning till time to brush teeth at night. I love those guys. They came down during the Boyscout Marlin Tournament in St Thomas. We did not enter in the tournament, but actually could have done good in it. We had some nice big fish as well. At one point, we were fighting a big blue marlin, and it was going ballistic. I hollered down to Chris ( my mate for that trip). and told him to clear the daisy chain teaser before we got any closer to releasing the blue we had hooked. I was chasing the blue backwards at about nine knots and my angler was doing all he could to gain line. Chris grabbed the line going to the teaser which itself was dragging towards the bow and two feet off the side of the boat. When he grabbed it, Something jerked back. There was another Blue Marlin trying to get the mackerel off the daisy chain. Chris was able to pull our teaser from the fishes mouth and we caught the blue we had hooked.
Chris and I ached off Anagoda |
We kinda bounced around each night from marina to marina. My favorite night was when we anchored off of Anagoda BVI. There is a small rustic place on the beach called Anagoda Beach resort. We anchored in the small bay just off of the resort. I made a call into the resort and requested they send a small boat out to ferry us to the beach. I should have requested a bigger boat. The guy arrived in an 8 foot long dingy and wanted us all to get in. We refused. Two trips to the beach later, and we were all seated at out table for dinner. This place is what everyone dreams of when they think of eating lobster on the beach in the caribbean. The tables are all in the sand and there are tiki torches burning around the sides of the seating area. Add to that a smattering of old strings of christmas lights, a nice breeze blowing through the trees and a full moon and and bare feet in the sand …… well it did not suck. The lobster they served us were enormous and some of the best I have ever eaten. I highly recommend to anyone that has the chance, Do the lobster dinner on the Beach in Anadgoda. Just make them bring a big enough ferry boat to get you to the beach.
Now I did enjoy that night on the beach, but It was made even better with the company. When Steve and Joe and Andy get together, It is an absolute hoot. For some reason when those three business professionals get together, they all seem to lose a few chromosomes. I never laugh so hard as I do when they are on board.
As I said, Chris Biddles was filling in again for Tyler. Sadly, Tylers father passed away. My thoughts are with Tyler and his family. hope to have you back soon.
Rest in Peace Bob |
The loss of a family member is always hard. Tyler is like a brother to me and I feel for him as he goes thru these next weeks.
When Steve and Bartles and James flew out, My family flew in to St Thomas. I had a wonderful time showing them around the islands and snorkeling for a few days. On the last two days of the family trip, I worked my way towards San Juan. We spent one day there in San juan and I took them up to the ElYunque rainforest. The kids really enjoyed seeing it and the hike to the big waterfall was a highlight. It damn near killed me…. But it was worth it.
With Tyler still at home, I tried to find someone else to help me get the boat to Turks and Caicos from Puerto Rico. Everyone seemed to fall threw. But Belinda Martin did not. Most of the boat guys that have passed through Turks and Caicos know the Queen B, Belinda adopts every boat crew that passes through. She can get anything done on the island and knows everyone. She's the best. Belinda flew into San Juan the afternoon my family flew out. We departed the next morning and made the 310 mile trip to Ocean World Dominican Republic. It was a beautiful trip. All down seas. Yesterday, we made the Jump from the Dominican to Provo Turks and Caicos. Again we had perfect weather. Belinda, You were a pleasure to have along. Thanks so much for filling in for Tyler.
I will be here in the Turks and Caicos for the next few days. Steve flies in beginning of next week. We will fish our way northward though out the southern islands of the Bahamas. I am not sure at this point who my deck hand will be, but they better be a good one, The big tuna are around the southern Bahamas islands and there is always a big marlin lurking near by.
Blue Heaven At the dock at Bitter End Marina Virgin Gorda BVI |
The Boys |
Joe and Andy ( AKA Bartles and James) |
Try to relax a little more Steve!!! |
Anagoda Sunset |
Adult Beverage |
Steve and Joe |
Boys night out on Anagoda |
Dem Lobsta done ben some good eatin! |
Kokomo Joe |
Bartles and James |
Steve battling another one |
Nice wahoo |
Bartles engaged |
A spinner dolphin joined us |
Nice blue |
Chillin at the end of the day |
This shot is Magazine worthy |
The Fam entering San Juan Harbor with the old fort in the back ground |
Lauren |
1 comment:
The circumstances that gave me the opportunity to ride from Puerto Rico to TCI on Blue Heaven were not as i would have asked for . But Having given the chance to learn from a legend was a opportunity i think nobody should miss. Thank you Captain Ed and thank you Steve for trusting in me and my crazyness lol. Not sure if your invite me or need me again but I'm definitely up for it :)
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