Epic shot of a Blue Marlin tail walking away from the boat |
There is definitely a thrill in catching a blue marlin. The thrill and the adrenalin is unmatchable. Afterwards at the dock the stories and the mental vision of the fight are hard to put into words. Getting a picture of a Blue marlin jumping during a fight is even harder. Hundreds upon hundreds of pictures are snapped with nothing to show but a splash of foamy water. Its kind of like trying to sit up all night and snap a picture of a shooting star. My boss has become pretty damn good at getting some good shots of cooperative fish. When a Blue marlin is at the side of the boat it is somewhat easy to snap a picture of it. But when it is peeling line away from the boat and the angler is fighting the fish, it can be a real task to get the shot when the fish jumps. There are times when the line coming off the tip of the rod is angled down at 45 degrees to the water giving the appearance that the Blue is down deep somewhere behind the boat. Then suddenly the fish will come out of the water 200 yards out behind the boat while the line is still angled straight down. . To get a shot when this happens takes a very good camera and a very patient photographer that can anticipate what the fish is going to do. Below in this blog are some pretty epic shots.
This past week I was fortunate to have my son come down and fish with us. The second and third days he fished with us were slow but the first day he fished while he was here, We had some good fishing. On that day we went four for nine on Blue Marlin. Patrick got to catch 2 of the Blues that day. On one of the fish, We had a blue come in and pile onto a bait. The Boss grabbed the rod and began fighting the fish. As Patrick manned a different rod to clear all the other lines out of the water, He began reeling and a second blue marlin piled onto his bait. The fish immediately began taletelling away from the boat to Patricks surprise. Glad he got to experience that.
Beautiful |
Airing it out |
Magnificent! And great job on the release!
Excellent days of fishing are the most important releases .... well we protect our marine wildlife.
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JD Marine, S.R.L
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