Patrick and I on the dock in Casa De Campo |
I am often reminded when I travel that the world is the same, no matter what country I am in. There are few things on this earth that are more powerful than watching little kids. No matter what language they speak, or what social structure they come from, kids are all the same.
While at the airport picking up my son for his spring break visit from school, I sat there in the common area where people were waiting for passengers to exit the security area after their flights. I watched as one little boy stood there holding himself and doing the " I really have to pee dance" as he waited for a family member to get off the plane. The poor guy was nearly in tears as he waited. Another young girl ran past the security divider rails upon seeing what appeared to be her grand mother exit the security area doors. Kids are kids no matter where you come from.
Whether I am at the local market and some kid is crying because his mom won't buy him that candy that the grocery strategically places at the checkout or whether we are are our local dominicans small shack with dirt floors watching his kids play. Kids are the same in every country.
Even as I picked up my son and introduced him to the dominican Republic and had the pleasure of watching him experience the culture here, I was happy to see that even though my son is in college he still see's the world though a young persons eyes.
After picking Patrick up from the airport, We stopped at a small roadside convince store and i made Patrick go in with Matt to buy them I few beers. I watched from the car as he and Matt purchased the beers. It was neat to see him out of his element but feeling secure in a foreign place. We then went to a road side place to eat. It was buffet style service where you tell the girls behind the counter what you want. I went ahead of Matt and Patrick and let them fend for themselves. The language barrier was comical. But they both got the food they wanted ( not really knowing what they got). After being seated, They both took bites of what appeared to be a small local sausage. As soon as they both had bit into it, I looked at them and said " I can't believe you guys would eat a pig penis" They both looked at me for a split second before realizing that I was just pulling their legs. No matter how old kids are its still fun to mess with them.
Last night, We had burgers on the dock with some of the other boats. We all ate and laughed and had a great meal on the dock. As we sat there eating burgers and having a few beers, it hit me that the kid sitting next to me was no longer a kid. Its pretty cool to have patrick here and sit there with him on a dock far from home drinking an adult beverage. My daughter did not come to visit me for her spring break this year because she is in south America on a medical mission for school. Very proud of her as well. Man I am getting old. Im not a kid anymore
OK enough with the sappy stuff. The fishing has been great. Boats are still seeing between 4 and 9 blue marlin a day. The releases have slowed a bit as the full moon has come around, but that will be short lived.
A big thank you to Casa De Campo and everyone here for the incredible fishing season kick off party that they had at the yacht club on Saturday night. The food and entertainment was top notch. They really know how to take care of visiting boats here in Casa De Campo. Thanks also to Pedro for joining us at the party and hanging out afterwards.
I have to say congratulations to Mike and the crew of the Betsy. Two days ago they caught Mikes 1000th blue marlin. That is one hell of a milestone. Pretty work boys.
I hope to get Patrick out fishing on Thursday. I will post some fishing pics soon after. In the mean time I think I will just hang out with my kid.
Two guys,a motor cycle and a 20 foot pipe and on the interstate |
Yacht club party |
hanging with pedro |
Pedro got into our golf cart |
Pedro got hit by a car |
Pedro got run over by a golf cart |
The biggest baddest billboard Ever That Presidente billboard is enormous |
Matt buying bread and day cheese off a road side vendor |
Patrick and Matt Buying Presidente beers |
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