My last post was from the Turks and Caicos. Since then We fished our way thru the southern islands of the Bahamas and back to the States. So much has happened and there were so many cool things along the way. But between recovering from Strep Throat (which I am sure I got while wading thru flooded roads in the Turks ) , having crap internet, and just going hard since the Turks, I just have not had time to catch up with the Blog.
Kyle Applefeild, ( one of my old mates) flew to the Turks to make the trip back to the states with me. It was a real pleasure having him along. As I mentioned By the time he arrived, I was recovering from a nasty bout of Strep Throat. Kyle really stepped up and made things happen. We fished our way thru some of the southern " Out Islands" of the Bahamas. Anchoring out at the Plana cays and fishing hard along the way. Unfortunately the fish did not cooperate. At least not till we were off of Rum. There we battled with big Tunas. We also battled against the man in the grey suit. ( Sharks) The sharks were brutal. They ate quite a few of our Tuna. The worst part is they did it every time just behind the boat. When we reached San Salvador the Tuna were there as well. But so were the sharks. We thought we had a good Gopro video of it, But the camera did not record it. So, Let me describe it. The Boss had a big Yellowfin Tuna on. We had already lost a good number of fish to the Toothy critters. So the boss was working his ass off to get this Tuna up as quickly as one can when hooked to a 80 lb Yellowfin. Kyle, Steve and especially me with my vantage from the bridge saw it all unfold. First we saw the gold silver blue and grey of the 80 lb football shaped fish. But as quick as we saw the Tuna we all saw the man in the grey suit following our tuna about 25 beet down and in hot pursuit . Kyle reached and grabbed the leader to help Steve get the fish up quicker. What unfolded next was hysterical and at the same time worthy of a shark week episode. Kyle was grunting to wire the fish to within shot of the gaff. The shark seemed to get bigger and bigger as it rose from the depths head long right at us. just as Kyle took another wrap on the leader and was going to reach for the gaff, The shark attacked. It was awesome. It lunged upwards with its mouth wide open. Its jaws thrusting outwards as it began to try to engulf the tuna from the tail. Its eyes rolled back as its jaws chomped their way up the body of our tuna. All of us were screaming and hollering. Kyle could not let go with one hand to reach for the gaff. If he did the chopping shark would gain further purchase on our Tuna. The boss is yelling at the shark and began beating it in the head with the end of his fishing pole. That did not even phase the shark. So Steve then grabbed the gaff and tried to gaff the tuna. With the shark thrashing his head side to side and Kyle lifting up and away on the leader it made it tough for steve to sink the gaff. Soooo He beat the shit out of the shark again with the gaff. Finally there was a chance to stick the gaff into the Tuna and we did get about 65 percent of the fish back…. But man what an epic 18 seconds.
I know that what I described above can never do the event justice, But so many things we see and experience are so hard to put into words. Things Like…. Seeing the light house at Landrail point at Crooked island with the miles of turquoise water surrounding the small island it sits on. The little pink weather washed buildings around it….. Running across the Grand Bahama bank with no wind and perfectly clear water. Water so clear that you would think we were going to hit bottom at any second in 25 feet. If not for the white water and foam around the boat it would feel as though we were flying…... A thunderstorm off of Cat island that hammered us for hours. the winds and seas coming up from flat calm to 4-5 feet in no time and lightening dropping all around us. Only to die out as quick as it started and become flat calm again……. Approaching Miami after the boat not being stateside for 7 months. That was more of just a cool feeling. Knowing I was back in the US….. Walking into a Publix Grocery store in Miami for the first time in a Loooooong time. I swear I thought I heard angels singing as I walk the produce isle. Oh and the Sunsets. Man did we have some good ones. One that we had in the Plana Cays had the sky so red that it looked like it was on fire.
It really is great to be back in the states. The past two months were a bit tumultuous, with having to find mates to fill in. But things will settle down now that we are in Key West. I have a few guys I will be interviewing over the next week to replace Tyler. Sad to see him move on, But I wish him the best. Its time to move on for me and train a new deck hand. I've done it before and I will do it again.
We had some incredible sunsets |
Kyle rigging a Mackerel |
Stunning |
The lighthouse at Landrail point, Crooked island Bahamas |
Another Tuna that had all of the good meat surgically removed by a shark |
Our swimming hole in San Salvador |
Not a better place to be at the end of a hot day |
Some of the ones we were able to get away from the sharks |
Sunset at Plana Cay |
Wow |
Kyle still rigging baits |
The boss chillin |
Buggin |
Nice Mutton that Kyle got on a light spinner at the dock |
Sunset at San Sal |
Digging the catch out of the ice |
Yellowfin Tuna |
Hacking and Whacking some nice Yellowfins |
Sushi grade stuff right there |
Id say the shark that took the lower half of this tuna was on the larger side |
Fresh Sushi |
Yup thats 20 feet of water. Looks like only 2 feet |
Running across the bank |
At long last, Miami on the bow |
A chunk of Miss Peaches Mac and Cheese |
Running Hawks Channel in the Keys |
Kyle and I |
My Lobster bisque |
Big ole moon coming up over the Blue Heaven |
Kenny and Kyle with a small Key West Tarpon |
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