Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lunar eclipse and Christy Brinkley

I woke up this morning all excited. There is a lunar eclipse  at around 5:45 am. And on top of that, It is to be a Blood Moon. Some say it has magical powers.  I got to thinking that maybe this moon can do something for me. I last saw a Blood moon in The Dominican Republic last spring.  For the Dominican Eclipse I went out onto the dock at 2 am and stripped to my tight whiteys and did a crazy moon dance. It did not help. So this morning I just sat there in my chair on the dock with a cup of coffee and concentrated really hard. I scrunched my brow, I clenched all the clenchable parts of my body as I concentrated really hard,  hoping that the magical " Blood Moon would help me". I tried really hard as I sat there drinking my coffee. But to no avail…... I am still overweight…..I still am old……. and Christy Brinkley is still not sitting next to me. Oh Well. At least I can work on one of those items. I just have to write Christy more love letters. Or I will have to wait till the next Eclipse in April of 2015
A and B Marina in Key West is an interesting place to tie up. There seems to constantly be boats coming and going. It seems daily that I run into an old friend. While Key West is a destination for some boats, It is also a midway point for boats passing from destinations in the Gulf to the eastern seaboard of florida or vice versa. The marina is slowly beginning to fill with boats that are here for the next month and Fantasy fest.
The weather down here should begin to cool off a touch over the next month. Th past few mornings were wonderful. The temperature is so nice with the passing of our first cold front of the year. Just a little taste of fall in the tropics. 72 degrees for a low in Key west , after a summer of stifling heat is a welcome thing.
Matt is working out really well. He has lots to learn but is fitting right in to the program. I did have to explain to him a few of the rules on the boat. One in particular is that one never messes with someone else's sleep on the boat. That is pretty simple and clear. But what Matt did not know is that if you are going to nap on the couch, you are fair game to be pranked. Napping is safe if you say " I am going to nap" but if I find you just napping you may fine yourself pranked. He was a good sport.
The yellowtail snapper fishing on the reef is very good right now. With a few nice Mangrove snapper mixed in. The local charter boats at seeing scattered mahi and a few wahoo. I think we will stick to the snapper fishing on the reef. The lobstering is steady. Although, I have eaten more lobster than I care to talk about. I know I know….. Wealthy problems…..
Fantasy Fest begins in about a weeks time. It should be getting very crowded here at the marina in the next week. I see lots of dock dinners coming up.
A few of our nicer bugs
Matt I know you were waxing in the hot sun  earlier but Napping during the day makes you fair game for pranks

Latest batch of lobster mac and cheese smelled great

Dock side grilling

Dive flag sunset

Matt bug mugging

Wax on Wax off

Another dock dinner

Dan you should see a doctor about those things you have crawling all over you

Matt and I 

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