Monday, May 13, 2013

Impromptu Dinner on the dock.

This blog is going to be short and there are no pics. I just want to share with everyone the evening we had a few days ago. 

Living on a boat is great but it can prove to be a bit monotanous when it comes to the evening meal.  Two days ago Tyler and I were talking to the crew of one of the other Sportfishes docked here. We decided that we would cook together on the dock. By the afternoon the crews of a couple of yachts joined in. By the time dinner rolled around, the dock was full of both local friends and boat crews cooking up a feast for an impromptu dockside dinner. Each boat chipped in a different addition. Beef tenderloin, venison sausage, shrimps, along with an abundance of fresh grilled veggies, Salads  and of course, sweet sweet rum,topped the menu. Gatherings like this are one of the things I really enjoy about dock life. No one really planed for it to be a big event. It kinda just came together.  I sat back at one point and just took it all in. The star-filled night, Crews from ports all over the world chatting and telling  stories of their travels as they sat on buckets ice chests and folding chairs. The accents from south African crews, Australian crews, Indian crews, Philippine crew, American crews, Island crew and a few rednecks thrown in made the din of conversation entertaining.   Reggae and laughter was the soundtrack of the evening. Its was just one of "those evenings"  As I gaze over at Blue Heaven, the indigo lights light up the marina like an aquarium and it added a cool light show that reflected on the crowd gathered near the boat. The underwater lights shinning through the clear water reflected and refracted better than any professional light show could ever produce.  As the night wore on, the lights attracted tarpon like crazy as they frolic and flailed as if showing off in the crystal clear water. Truely one of those magical nights. 
I am not sure if it was the fact that some of the dishes of the evening were prepared by world class chefs from aboard the big yachts here at the marina or if it was the old burnt crap that was still on the grills that the meat was cooked on, or if it was just the great company we had,  but the meal that evening was one of the best I have had in a long time. As the night shut down. all the crews gathered up their supplies that they had contributed as a few others tried in vain to entice one of the tarpon in the lights to eat a lure. 
The night had begun with only four guys cooking together on the dock but it turned into one of those nights that each an every crew member lives for. 

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